Two choices here, yer either callous bastard, or ya gonna help make these childrens lifes better.
Xmas Loot
Many an apology for the lack of content during the xmas season! As you can imagine it were a busy one. I left the season with much loot […]
White with stripes
Very comfortable ankle socks, warm and comfy, with a thin grid on top to let it breathe. Missus got a 10pack for cheap at an outlet store. I […]
Take a hike…
When you go on a big hike on a cold day a normal sock won’t cut it.. These thick hiking socks provide comfort and warmth right up to […]
Nothing like an accurate sock…
Sometimes you just find a sock that perfectly sums up your personality.
Beer o’clock!
Saturday evening means beer! And what philistine would do without socks to match!?
Almost weekend!
So it’s almost weekend for me, thus I went with something silly today! What’s more silly thank pink bananas? Possibly blue bananas, but I only have pink.
Ho ho ho
Went for a more classic x-mas sock today! Vibrant jolly colours no one can mistake! Good fit and comfortable blend.